Field Trip Chaperone Information
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Thank you for agreeing to serve your child's class as a field trip chaperone. I would like to give a short summary of the guidelines you should follow when you are chaperoning a trip:
- Chaperones MUST come to the EMPS Main Office during the week of the field trip to sign in via our visitor management system and obtain a chaperone badge
- Do remember that as a volunteer you are representing our school. Keep your conversation polite, respectful, and positive. Please do not be critical of the school or teachers. Avoid being sarcastic, critical or answering with sharp or angry tones.
- Please do not use foul or inappropriate language (our children may be listening).
- Wear casual clothing that is neat and clean. Please avoid clothing with holes, low cut tops, or short skirts.
- Refrain from vaping, smoking or using chewing tobacco anywhere during the trip.
- Refrain from cell phone use.
- Siblings and/or children may not accompany our volunteers. Your full attention is needed for our students.
- All school volunteers are expected to maintain confidentiality while working at any school activity.
- Discipline of the students is solely the responsibility of the teacher in charge.
Chaperoning is a huge responsibility, but it is also a lot of fun. I hope these guidelines help make your trip with our students enjoyable. Thank you for playing such an important part in its success.
Nick Lee